The Eclipse Foundation

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Eclipse is an open source community, whose projects are focused on building an open development platform comprised of extensible frameworks, tools and runtimes for building, deploying and managing software across the lifecycle. The Eclipse Foundation is a not-for-profit, member supported corporation that hosts the Eclipse projects and helps cultivate both an open source community and an ecosystem of complementary products and services.
- Code Recommenders for Javadoc An integration of source code statistics (provided by the Eclipse Code Recommenders project) into HTML Javadoc generated by the Javaoc tool via the Doclet/Taglet API. Additionally, a social extended Javadoc component, which lets developers directly edit, comment or rate on API documentation and new code snippets, which are provided by the Snipmatch subproject of Code Recommenders or posted by developers themselves.
- Drag and Drop implementation for SWTBot Standard Widget Toolkit is a widget toolkit designed for Java to provide portable efficient and portable access to a range of user interface facilities of the operating system on which it is implemented. SWTBot was developed to test the wide variety of applications based on SWT and Eclipse. SWTBot is an automated Java based UI/functional testing tool which can run on any platform on which SWT can run. SWTBot includes most of the features required to automate UI testing making it a very popular and useful tool for developers. However, Drag n Drop feature, which is commonly used in applications nowadays, and more so on mobile devices, is missing in SWTBot. The project aims to provide an implementation of a fully consistent and cross-platform Drag n Drop function for SWTBot, enabling users to write unit tests for Drag n Drop functionality of their Eclipse and SWT based applications using SWTBot. The popularity of the request for this feature in the SWTBot community can be gauged by the length of the CC list on on Bugzilla . The proposed mentor for this project is Mr Mickael Istria (
- Eclipse Code Recommenders - Models API The Eclipse Code Recommenders project provides intelligent code completion, basing its recommendations both on the context where the completion is triggered and on the knowledge of analysed source code (stored in models). At the moment the implementation of this mechanism in Eclipse Code Recommenders is not flexible enough. One problem is that it is not possible to run the recommendation process headless outside an Eclipse environment. Furthermore the UI Integration of the preference page for the Eclipse Code Recommenders should be improved, because of the bad usability for end users which are properly not so familiar with the background of the Eclipse Code Recommenders mechanism. The intention of this GSoC Project is to redesign the models API to eliminate the described problems and to prepare for the future and for many new intelligent Eclipse Code Recommenders.
- Eclipse JDT - Java Code Blocks Improving the Eclipse JDT UI code folding of Java code blocks. Expands code folding beyond just functions into while, if, and try blocks and more.
- Eclipse Orion: Adding Git Blame Functionality The aim of this proposal is to add an intricate Git Blame system to Orion as well multiple Git statistical functions
- Eclipse Platform: Implementing generic in JFace viewers Currently the JFace UI Toolkit still supports language features of Java 1.4. With moving JFace to the language features of Java 1.5 it would be able to take use of Java generics. I would implement the generics feature for the viewers part of the JFace Toolkit. This could help the users of JFace to avoid casting of data objects and detect more type failures at compile-time.
- Error Markers and Quick Fixes in eTrice State Chart Diagrams This project aims at providing validation of State Chart Diagrams in the behavior graphical editor of eTrice, a project under the Eclipse Model Development Tools (MDT) intended towards implementation of the ROOM Modelling language, by providing markers for warnings and infos in these state machine diagrams and quick fixes to allow the user to pick from a list of proposals.
- New text editor for SnipMatch A new text editor that provides local CRUD and rate/comment support for code snippets. The text editor will fully support JFace Template language, in which the snippets are written, and offer syntax coloring, code completion and a lot of other features that will make snippet editing much easier.
- Re-Writing SnipMatch Code Completion Engine SnipMatch is a code snippet search tool which falls under Eclipse Code Recommenders. It will be extended as a social snippet sharing tool in which the contributors can create and share snippets with others. Current version of SnipMatch can work only locally with a local snippet repository. But this current SnipMatch version has many problems in architecture level and code level. My proposal is to rewrite SnipMatch code completion engine by eliminating the current drawbacks.
- Source code migration and generation tools to make use of Java 8 features Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT) project needs to support the new language features and provide tools for easier adoption of Java 8, which is planned for release early next year. This project aims to implement source code migration and generation tools to make use of Java 8 features.
- Usage Data Collection for Code Completion Extend the Eclipse Code Recommenders project by a specific dialog, which shows user specific statistics how they use the Eclipse code completion. This data will be graphical presented in an own dialog. Eclipse developers thus have the possibility to see how effectively they work every day with their IDE.