
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Mailing List: apertium-stuff@lists.sourceforge.net
Apertium develops a free/open-source platform for machine translation and language technology. We try and focus our efforts on lesser-resourced and marginalised languages, but also work with larger languages. The platform, including data for a large number of language pairs, a translation engine and auxiliary tools is being developed around the world, both in universities and companies (e.g. Prompsit Language Engineering) and by a growing numbers independent free-software developers. There are currently 40 published language pairs within the project (including a number of "firsts" — for example Spanish—Occitan, Breton—French, Basque—Spanish, North Sámi--Norwegian Bokmål and Kazakh-Tatar among others), and many more in development.Completed Tasks
- [0] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [0] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [0] Hand annotate 500 words of text from Wikipedia
- [10] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [11] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [12] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [13] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [14] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [15] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [16] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [17] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [18] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [19] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [1] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [1] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [20] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [2] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [2] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [3] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [3] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [4] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [4] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [5] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [5] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [6] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [7] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [8] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- [90] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [92] Convert 500 words of Finnish text in colloquial Finnish to literary Finnish
- [9] Disambiguate 500 words of Russian text.
- Abstract the formatting for the Html-tools interface.
- add city name support phenny/begiak timezone plugin
- Add other functions to begiak's git plugin
- Add permalink capability for generation and analysis to Html-tools
- Add phenny/begiak queue functions: replace, move, and random
- Add support for reordering to a bison syntax tree AST
- add support for timezone conversion to phenny/begiak
- An entry test for Apertium
- Apertium in 5 slides
- Apertium on Windows (installer)
- bilingual apertium-init bootstrap should handle --no-prob1 --no-pgen2 --no-rlx1 options
- Bison error token in transfer4
- Convert one part-of-speech from SALDO to Apertium .dix format
- Convert one part-of-speech from SALDO to Apertium .dix format
- Create a convertor for events for a MaxEnt POS tagger
- Create a python script to merge feature weights extracted from yasmet into a single file
- Detect target language
- Dictionary conversion
- Dictionary conversion in python
- Dictionary conversion in python
- Disambiguate 500 words of Gernan text.
- Disambiguate 500 words of Gernan text.
- Disambiguate 500 words of Gernan text.
- Disambiguate 500 words of text in German
- Disambiguate 500 words of text in German
- Document materials for a language not yet on our wiki
- Document phenny/begiak git plugin
- document the correspondences between the tagset used in the RNC tagged corpus and the Apertium tagset for Russian
- Drag-n-drop file translation on Html-tools
- figure out how to make folding work in the lexc plugin for vim
- Figure out why begiak's url catcher still has some encoding issues and fix
- Find translation bugs by using LanguageTool, and correct them
- Find translation bugs by using LanguageTool, and correct them
- fix begiak queues deletion
- fix how begiak's ethnologue plugin determines number of speakers
- fix phenny/begiak seen function
- fix scraper drivers and documentation
- georeference areas Russian is spoken
- georeference language areas for Central Asian languages: Kazakh
- geriaoueg hover functionality
- geriaoueg hover functionality
- geriaoueg language/pair selection
- geriaoueg language/pair selection
- geriaoueg lookup code
- Get bible aligner working (or rewrite it)
- greeting function for phenny/begiak
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Hand annotate 250 words of running text.
- Html-tools expanding textareas
- Implement a feature extractor for a MaxEnt POS tagger
- implement a pester plugin for begiak
- Import adjectives from azmorph into apertium-aze
- Import adverbs from azmorph into apertium-aze
- Import verbs from azmorph into apertium-aze
- improve phenny/begiak timezone data
- Improve the quality of a language pair of choice by adding 50 words to its vocabulary
- Improve the quality of a language pair of choice by adding 50 words to its vocabulary
- Improve the quality of a language pair of choice by adding 50 words to its vocabulary
- Installing Apertium in lightweight GNU/Linux distributions
- Investigate how orthographic modes on kk.wikipedia.org are implemented
- libvoikko support for OS X
- Light Apertium bootable ISO for small machines
- Localisation of tag attributes on Html-tools
- Make a new definition for our xml corpus format
- Make Apertium's scraper framework write the tree to disk every n seconds instead of every article
- Make apertium-viewer.html using APY
- make begiak's .queue display function work
- make scraper Writer fail gracefully on break and write output
- Make the script that generates "dixtables"on the wiki also create all the missing stats pages
- Manually spell-check running text in an apertium language of your choice
- Manually spell-check running text in an apertium language of your choice
- phenny/begiak apertium wiki module search capability
- phenny/begiak awikstats to count rlx sizes
- phenny/begiak awikstats to count t*x sizes
- phenny/begiak awikstats to report the revision of each monolingual file
- phenny/begiak blacklist for url interceptor
- phenny/begiak queue rename and reassign functions
- phenny/begiak relevant wiki module handle urls for wikis
- phenny/begiak tell/ask queue split long messages
- phenny/begiak tell/ask queue support deleting items from queue
- phenny/begiak tell/ask queue to support nick aliases
- Prototype unigram tagger.
- scraper for all wiktionary pages in a category
- Scraper for free forum content
- Scraper for free forum content
- Scraper for free forum content
- script to bootstrap an apertium bilingual module
- script to bootstrap an apertium module in hfst
- script to bootstrap an apertium module in lttoolbox
- SSL/HTTPS for Apertium.org
- Syntax tree visualisation using GNU bison
- Visualisation of bilingual dictionary development for language family visualisation tool
- Visualisation of monolingual dictionary development for language family visualisation tool
- Website translation in Html-tools
- What's difficult about this language pair?
- Write a contrastive grammar
- Write a contrastive grammar
- Write a contrastive grammar
- Write a general Apertium Stream Format parser in Python.
- write a mailing list reporter for phenny/begiak
- Write a program to extract Bulgarian inflections
- Write a program to extract Faroese adjective inflections
- Write a program to extract Faroese noun inflections
- Write a program to extract Faroese verb inflections
- Write a program to extract Greek adjective inflections
- Write a script to explain an Apertium machine translation in terms of its parts
- write a spider to change all ab(c)-xy(z)-stems references to ab(c)-xy(z)_stems
- Write code to generate an AST representing the bison parse tree